Student besides Teach the Teacher presentation

For students

Help us to bring climate education to your school

by giving your teachers a one hour lesson on climate change and what it’s like being a young person in a climate emergency.

How it works:

  1. Sign Up
    Fill out our sign up form to register your interest in taking part
  1. Attend Online Training
    Once at least 3 students from your school have signed up we’ll get in touch to arrange a training session for you, where we’ll give you the skills and information needed to run your own session with your teachers
  1. Organise a Session with Your Teachers
    Work with your school and teachers to organise a date/time to run your session with a group of teachers, either on inset or enrichment days (1x 1 hour), or at lunchtimes (4x 15 minutes).
  1. Teach Your Teachers!
    Together with your group, deliver your session and teach your teachers!
  1. Further support for teachers and students
    Visit our resources page and share further resources with teachers and students on how they can continue to push for climate education

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Teach the Teacher, send us an email at

Note: This sign up process is for schools in the UK only. If you're based outside the UK please visit our MockCOP website to sign up.

Sign up

"Teach the Teacher is a campaign with students from across the globe, coming together as one, and showing education systems what they want to learn.

- Aishwarya, 16